Creating a TreeVault Antenna Tree

Are you one of those who need help to know Creating a TreeVault Antenna Tree? If yes, then you just have made it to the perfect site. You must go through the easy methods given below to create an Antenna tree in Family Tree Maker 2019. Creating a TreeVault Antenna Tree

Family Tree Maker for multiple computers

If you are looking to learn how to use your Family Tree Maker for multiple computers then this is just the perfect place to get started with. So the first thing we need to know ‘Are you using FTM software?’ if yes, then you should continue reading to know more about how to utilize a…

How to Manage Relationships in FTM 2019?

Are you trying to manage ‘Relationships’ in FTM 2019? If so, then this is just where you ought to be right now. You will learn to utilize the manage connections tool to categorize connections by kinds, like ‘Partner or Spouse, Adopted or Biological, etc, as well as relationships between parents and their children. Only with…